Glimmer Media produces sponsored-content marketing packages.

Targeted Audience
Glimmer targets a niche audience, and studies online behavior and buying patterns.

Relevant Content
Glimmer designs a rich media application/experience that appeals to the designated market.

Integrated Sponsorship
Glimmer integrates sponsorship opportunities throughout the content application, with innovative units like "tumblers," "send-offs" and "mini-stitials."

Customized Creative
Glimmer produces sponsor creative using state-of-the-art technology—creative that’s appealing and relevant to the target audience and content environment.

Strategic Distribution
Glimmer selects a group of sites based on editorial content, audience, and traffic and creates a highly-targeted distribution network.

Positive Brand Association
Users experience the application as site content – it’s adapted to the site’s look and feel. Advertising reaches users when they’re already doing something they enjoy.

... And It Works.

Sponsors reach attentive niche audiences that interact with their branded message.

Guaranteed traffic from a qualified audience and longer exposure to ad messages increase ROI.

Site networks get quality content that enhances site value.

Entertaining content applications have viral appeal and increase traffic, stickiness,and user appreciation.


Executive Team

Janet Waegel, CEO
Janet Waegel is founder and CEO of Glimmer Media, Inc. She has direct responsibility for overall company direction, strategic planning and business development activities. She oversees all company operations, including product concept and design, project management, sales and marketing and financial management.

Waegel is the former Deputy Art Director of Time Magazine and the first Design Director of Time Online. She began producing Time's web site in 1994, and developed original sites for CompuServe and America Online.

In 1997 she started her own web development company, and in 1999 became a founding partner of Interocity Development (now a division of Chyron, Inc). Fortune 500 clients included the Westvaco Corporation, Deutsche Bank and NASDAQ. She also produced promotional campaigns for MSNBC, Brill's Content magazine, A&E and The History Channel.

Waegel is a 20-year veteran of the print publishing industry, where she served as art director and designer for numerous consumer magazines such as Time, Rolling Stone, Us, Manhattan, Inc., Smart, Newsweek and Esquire.

Stephanie Vautravers, Sales and Marketing
Stephanie Vautravers oversees sales of advertising and sponsorships of Glimmer Media’s content products, and coordinates syndication of these products to destination web sites. Her business development roles includes defining target consumer markets, identifying sponsorship opportunities and responding to the market needs of producers of consumer products.

Vautravers was previously VP for Strategic Alliances at Primedia/, where she directed sales teams, developed strategic positioning for and served as internet liason for the print magazines' sales staff. Prior to Primedia, Vautravers was Senior Account Executive and Yahoo and, west coast Sales Director of Juno Online Services and one of the original team at Blender, the groundbreaking CD-ROM/internet-delivered entertainment site.

Ava Seave, Business and Strategic Development
Ava Seave oversees strategic planning and business development initiatives. Additional activities include financial planning, development of marketing and public relations strategies, and overall company management.

Seave's experience includes serving as a principal in Quantum Media Associates, where she provides senior-level management consulting services to media companies such as,, and

Previously, Ava was a general manager at Scholastic Inc., where she directed the Trumpet Club and Scholastic, and oversaw the Specials business units. For many years, Ava was general manager at The Village Voice, responsible for all non-advertising revenue and administrative management including circulation, shipping and distribution, list sales, print and on-line syndication and consumer advertising and public relations.